Loud AC fix?

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Loud AC fix?

Post by Nole75 »

My AC unit is loud! My wife said shed rather be hot than listen to it. Does anyone thing that if I changed my seal it would help? No its not the original unit, but is probably 10 years old. Im really thinking of upgrading to a new one. The one made by the people that make the water heaters. 13.5 and will run on a 2000 watt Honda.
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Re: Loud AC fix?

Post by Razorback »

The seal could help. I would always recommend replacing the seal if you don't know when it was last done. If the AC is still noisey:

I think I would start by checking the 4 corner bolts to make sure they are tight. I would get up on the roof, take off the AC shroud, turn on the AC, then observe. First off, keep your hands free of the fan!!! Make sure the fan blades are intact and don't have anything adhering to them to get them off balance. Look for signs of vibration...... maybe the fan motor is shot? Try to pinpoint where the vibration is coming from and go from there.

Some AC's are just noisey. Example: Our Avion has the original Duo-Therm Brisk Air. A friend, who has a MUCH newer Class A motor home, came into our Avion when the AC was running. He was astonished by how quiet ours was compared to theirs. I don't remember what brand they had.

Anyway, keep us posted on what you find.
Razorback (Paul)
1987 Avion 34W
1995 Ford F-250 7.3L PowerStroke
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