50/30 Amp Split Panel - Progressive Dynamics 5500 (PD55B006)

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50/30 Amp Split Panel - Progressive Dynamics 5500 (PD55B006)

Post by KYAvion »

I’ve never used a generator and currently have no plans for one. BUT, it’d be nice to have the option in the future. So when deciding to upgrade to 50 amp, I went with a Progressive Dynamics 50/30 split panel (PD55B006) that allows for a 30 amp sub panel within the 50 amp box.

I understand the converter needs to be wired into the main 50 amp bus bar separate from the 30 amp inverter/generator bus bar to avoid potential back-feeding should one forget to turn the breaker for the converter OFF when running a generator or inverter. What I’m having trouble with, however, is deciding what to leave on the 30 amp bus bar.

One thought is to just leave everything that is normally on a 30 amp trailer panel on the 30 amp bus bar. That would work, but then I don’t get the benefit of 50 amps by being able to run the A/C and microwave at the same time. Or the wife can’t run a hair dryer while we’re making a pot of coffee, etc. Major real world problems, right? So the obvious answer is to move some of those things to the 50 amp side. That works when I’m plugged into 50 amp, but what happens when I’ve only got 30 amp available at the pedestal and we forget that we can’t run two high amp appliances at the same time? Now instead of tripping the 30 amp breaker inside the panel in the trailer, the breaker at the pedestal is tripped instead. Not a big deal, but a hassle during a downpour, etc.

So what do people do to afford these comforts of having 50 amp, while still having their trailer protected inside by a 30 amp breaker for when their plugged into a 30 amp pedestal? My inclination is that they don’t, and that if they go beyond 30 amps because they’ve become accustomed to their 50 amp rig, then they’ve just got to go outside to reset the 30 amp breaker. That is unless of course I’m missing something?

That said, I will be running dedicated circuits for the kitchen and bathroom, so I suppose if I label those outlets to indicate they are for 50 amp service only, then that would help to avoid some issues.

Also, if one were running a generator and the generator only supplies power to the 30 amp panel, which circuits are best to have on there? Lights and the factory receptacles are a definite. What about the microwave or A/C?
https://www.progressivedyn.com/rv/acdc- ... p-240-vac/
1984 Avion 30R
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