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Refrigerator PSA

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 7:27 pm
In my “Converter Replacement” thread I wrongly stated that my fridge came to life due to the replacement of my converter. What actually happened was that my fridge was on 12v and not 110. The control knob is a little sloppy and it looked like it was on 110. What I figured out was that my fridge worked on LP and 12v but not AC. I knew I was getting AC power and continuity all over. Then I happened on the heating element and figured I’d order a new 110v heating element for $30 before I spent $1300 on a new fridge.
Well, that was it! I just finished swapping out the heating element rod and that sucker started heating up and the fridge is getting nice and cold.

It was a little bit of a thing to swap them out but really pretty easy as far as working on vintage trailers.

My fridge is an original Dometic RM100 3-way but it seems the procedure is pretty much the same for all units.

It amazes me that these old units can keep on chugging if we just give them a little love. My fridge was made in Sweden in ‘75 or ‘76, the replacement I would’ve put in is probably made in China and I wouldn’t trust it for an 1/8th of the life this one has had and hopefully will have for awhile yet.

Hopefully this’ll will help someone down the line...