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Fellow Avioners!

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 11:38 pm
by Dan'l
A couple years ago Mrs told me she wanted a trailer. My immediate reaction was to say it would be a classic Airstream. I want something fully depreciated so when I’m done having fun I can sell and get my money back. But following exhaustive research, I discovered the best Airstream is not an Airstream at all! About the same time, I answered a Craigslist ad from a guy selling two trailers his family had parked at the lake; a 1973 24’ Avion, and a 1979 28’ Airstream. What a way to compare quality! A little more research, and I knew I wanted an Avion 34XB. Alas, there aren’t many XBs out there. So when a 34VB dropped in our laps, it was love at first bite. We took the plunge.

Re: Fellow Avioners!

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 11:42 pm
by Dan'l
We brought our Avion home last July. Three weeks later we were on our way to Florida for a church convention. The annual convention was a main reason we wanted a trailer. Closets for a week’s worth of church clothes, a full size shower, and an adequate kitchen were minimal requirements. This isn’t about camping. Our Avion performed stupendously!

We were overdue for a visit to the west coast to see family. Mrs began checking airfare. I told her I wasn’t flying; I have an Avion now. After a bit of cajoling, she acquiesced. So in October, we hitched up. We stocked up so the only thing we would need on the road was gas. We boondocked in the lap of luxury across the US of A.

By now we have about 7500 miles on the clock, and it hasn’t even been a year yet.

Re: Fellow Avioners!

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:52 pm
by Rostam
Congratulations on your Avion purchase! 34' Avions are just awesome. Before buying our Avion I also inspected 2 Airstreams and 2 Avions. I agree with you there is just no comparison. Avion has MUCH better quality control, frame, insulation, axle/suspension, cabinetry, interior/exterior storage and also tows much better. To me its like comparing a Fiat with a Mercedes.

Re: Fellow Avioners!

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:03 pm
by Dan'l
It's not like we need another trailer, but a few weeks ago we saw two Argosys posing by the side of the highway. We did a quick U turn to go back for a closer look. They looked "so cute" from the highway, but all it took was a quick look in the window, and Mrs dismissed them as looking cheap.

It's hard to be humble when your trailer is an Avion. :P

Re: Fellow Avioners!

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:40 pm
by Razorback
Welcome to the forum, Dan and Marlene. Sounds like you have really been able to enjoy your Avion!

I'm with you.... once you have an Avion, it's hard to settle for less. :D